You will be a very greedy person sorry to use that lang. Lol, after reading this post and do not re share it among you folks kindly resahere this post via social network listed below f.b, twet, stumble etc or you can add me on facebook for more TRICK: Comrade Cruz Anaka.
Press control + f ie ctrl+f a dialogues box will pear, just type in the word or keyword in the box and hit enter. In has much as the word or phrase exist it will highlight it black all you have to do is close the dialogue box, for stuff in MICROSOFT OFFICE but in blog or web site html or xml after the command, that is the ctrl + f key in the phrase or part of the phrase and hit enter behold it already there chap.
Hope these helps pls don’t! Be silent you can do well by posting you prob. You encountered during the process or any correction noticed chees! If you enjoy this little post why not buy Nokot a drink by clicking on the advert below these post
Press control + f ie ctrl+f a dialogues box will pear, just type in the word or keyword in the box and hit enter. In has much as the word or phrase exist it will highlight it black all you have to do is close the dialogue box, for stuff in MICROSOFT OFFICE but in blog or web site html or xml after the command, that is the ctrl + f key in the phrase or part of the phrase and hit enter behold it already there chap.
Hope these helps pls don’t! Be silent you can do well by posting you prob. You encountered during the process or any correction noticed chees! If you enjoy this little post why not buy Nokot a drink by clicking on the advert below these post